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Memory nest nest

The pace is always time to go to that kind of rush to play yesterday, the river is still playing children shortly become hobbled old man, the spring has become a vibrant bleak barren wilderness, the once bustling magnificent ancient wash Today, remnants of lush become Hirano.

Today, everything will grow old;

Today, everything will barren.

The first is the young grow old length of time those romantic past HKUE amec, the first was a barren like a condensation between heart sincere feelings.

We stood in the river of time, we look back just suddenly discovered once beautiful could be so easily broken in the rheology of years, it is as thin as onion skin veil, that is the southern smoke rain, it was a man crystal teardrop eyes. What is it eternal?

Whenever the bright, HKUE ENG starry night sky. This once beautiful but also as flashing starry sky in memory. If anything eternal, then I would rather say, is that as the empty nest-like memory, like winter alone hanging in the branches of the Chao nest, still. The bird just gone, just memories scattered in the wind, all in. Only people who have not.

Once the memory, not so much a mark, it would be better to say just a state of mind HKUE ENG, we always use their own brush those feelings away, the one about the light, scanning up.

Years smoke, current events change. In the vast sea of ​​people knows no boundaries occasion, more people came |, far away, scattered, light, leaving only ourselves alone, standing still Dream beauty pro hard sell, often in the dead of night, shake off that to avalanche swirling memories.  

Posted by sandara12 at 15:41Comments(0)HKUE ENG