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Application of digital control UPS

With the high-speed digital signal processing chip, digital control method to solve the problem of control in the UPS power simulation can not only good, but also increased the UPS power simulation control function is very difficult to achieve control, its main application advantage:

( 1 ) the digital control can be used to control surface light solar cell and intelligent control strategy is advanced, the level of intelligence of UPS higher, more perfect performance. The latest stage of development of intelligent control on behalf of the automatic control, inherits the human qualitative, variable structure, adaptive mode of thinking, but also to the power electronic control has brought new vitality. Switch working state at high frequency, power inverter 's model is more complicated, which is the analog control or the classical control theory can't have good control effect, and the use of advanced, intelligent digital control strategy, can the performance index of the system fundamentally increase.

( 2 ) flexible control, the system easy to upgrade, and even can modify the control algorithm of online, without changing the hardware circuit of. The control scheme of digital control system is reflected in the control program, once the relevant hardware resources get reasonable configuration, only need to modify the control software, can improve the control performance of original system, or according to different control object real-time, on-line replacement of the control software of the different control strategies.

( 3 ) control system reliability, easy standardization. Because of the high reliability digital control, must make the whole control system to improve the reliability, but also for different system ( or the product of different type ), the control board is unified, and only need to do some modifications to the control software, this is a great attraction to the manufacturer.

( 4 ) to facilitate system maintenance, system failure, can be very convenient for debugging, through RS-232 or RS-485 interface or USB interface fault query, history query, software repair, even online control parameter modification, commissioning. This can be accomplished at lower cost of self calibration attractionlandscape.com/playground.html and remote service, bring convenience to the manufacturer after sale service.

( 5 ) good consistency, low cost, convenient manufacture. The control software is not like analog devices that differences exist, so for the control panel with a control program, the consistency is good, there is no problem in simulation system of simulator debugging to bring the difference, then consistency will be the same control board is much higher than simulation system. The software control, on the realization of hardware and software, the control panel to greatly reduce the volume, lower production cost.

( 6 ) is composed of parallel running system. Because the unit UPS systems are digital control, a state representative system in the corresponding control variables, so you can easily get all required information, online ups power the flow to realize the parallel operation system of UPS algorithms.

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Posted by sandara12 at 16:07

Application of digital control UPS